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Greve, Andrea, Dr edit / delete
She gave a seminar at Kent about models of (human) memory a couple of weeks ago -- interesting stuff.
to memory psychology research ... on 01 May 2009
Xlinkers Conference 2009 - Online | Xlinkers edit / delete
Xlinkers slides. Includes presentations from Varisys on a PCI Express card for audio with XMOS chips on, and one from Barry about an independent implementation of the Xlink protocol (in which he talks about wanting "more concurrency").
to audio concurrency embedded research xmos ... on 29 April 2009
REJ suggested this might be a good venue for RMoX -- indeed.
Leo Meyerovich, CS Graduate Student -- Peon Extraodinaire edit / delete
He's investigating parallelism in web browsers.
to concurrency research web ... on 25 March 2009
MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 20 and 21: Parallel Algorithms - good coders code, great reuse edit / delete
MIT lectures on parallel algorithms.
to concurrency research teaching ... on 10 March 2009
The Lecture System in Teaching Science edit / delete
The "Gutenberg approach" to lecturing: essentially, providing the students with a carefully-pitched custom textbook, then using lecture time for freeform discussion rather than conventional lectures. This'd make a good T&LDG topic.
[0902.0587] Implementation of Glider Guns in the Light-Sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky Medium edit / delete
It appears to work, too -- and there's some discussion of how to do computation with glider streams. Neat.
shedskin - Google Code edit / delete
Hm; thought I'd bookmarked this before... Anyway, it's a Python-to-C++ compiler that does type inference. I'd like to look at adding concurrency support to this, so we could do PyCSP-like stuff with reasonable performance.
Coordination - Discotec09 edit / delete
to conferences research ... on 04 February 2009
PCB layout program that does dynamic adjustment of the layout as you edit it. I wonder if we could reuse anything from this for dynamic process network rendering...
to electronics pcb research software visualisation ... on 27 January 2009
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tasty by Adam Sampson.