Richard Hamming: You and Your Research edit / delete

Interesting reading. The bits I wouldn't agree with philosophically are probably right anyway.

to research ... on 13 October 2012

~Archive: a Knowledge Tool by the Brooklyn Institute by Brooklyn Institute for Social Research — Kickstarter edit / delete

I'm unconvinced by the project, but the idea of using kickstarter to fund research projects is an interesting one. Wonder whether I'd get away with it here! (Those donating $100 get free B+B at a workshop at the end, or something...)

to etext funding research ... on 27 May 2012

Laurence Tratt: Fast Enough VMs in Fast Enough Time edit / delete

An excellent explanation of PyPy's tracing JIT.

to compilation jit pypy research tracing ... on 08 April 2012

Programming and Computation edit / delete

The collaborative compiler, and various other neat ideas.

to compilation cs research ui ... on 08 April 2012

Swap Adjacent Gems to Make Sets of Three: A History of Matching Tile Games edit / delete

(Found by an 0700 student this year.) Very interesting. Lots of other good stuff here too.

to ag0700 games research retrocomputing ... on 30 March 2012

Game Studies edit / delete

Some quite interesting (and some less interesting) articles on the theory of computer games.

to games journal research ... on 30 March 2012

» A Word on Akalabeth and Chronology The Digital Antiquarian edit / delete

An example of referencing problems in games history. One for AG0700 next year.

to ag0700 games history research retrocomputing ... on 04 December 2011

Swarm Chemistry Homepage edit / delete

The awesome swarming-with-multiple-populations thing that I first saw at ALife 2008. Looks like he's come up with some even neater behaviours now.

to alife boids complex-systems research swaming ... on 15 July 2011

The Trouble with Erlang Concurrency | Tim Fox's blog edit / delete

The specific point is that the actor model makes it difficult to distribute a service (which isn't a problem when you have explicit channels -- you just use an any-to-any channel). The general point is that providing one model isn't helpful when that model doesn't work for your problem.

to concurrency erlang language-design research ... on 26 June 2011

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