Computational Culture edit / delete

"Computational Culture is an online open-access peer-reviewed journal of inter-disciplinary enquiry into the nature of computational cultural objects, practices, processes and structures." Good target for CoSMoS?

to cosmos cs journal open-access research ... on 25 June 2011

Parallel Processing Letters (PPL) edit / delete

A "letters" (short papers, fast turnaround) journal for parallelism.

to concurrency journal parallel research ... on 06 January 2011

Open Research Computation | Home edit / delete

Open-access journal -- something like ACM TOMS, but for scientific software. Stringent requirements for good-quality open-source code. The CoSMoS tools would be a good fit.

to cosmos journal open-access open-source research ... on 06 January 2011

LINDSAY edit / delete

Agent-based multiscale virtual human project.

to agent biology human multiscale research simulation ... on 14 December 2010

protobuf - Project Hosting on Google Code edit / delete

Google library for packing and unpacking reasonably complicated structured protocols. This'd be useful for distributed simulation.

to concurrency network protocol research software ... on 21 November 2010

First grant scheme - EPSRC edit / delete

Includes the rules.

to funding research ... on 16 September 2010

Randy LeVeque edit / delete

Python tools for reproducible research. Good paper to cite if we're talking about these things.

to open-science python research ... on 31 August 2010

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15 + cosmos
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