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The Software Sustainability Institute - temporary website edit / delete
"The Software Sustainability Institute works with researchers to identify and shape the software considered to be important to their research. We provide a range of free and paid for services which ensure that software is maintained, made available to a wider user base and its potential for sustainability is maximised."
to engineering research software ... on 14 July 2010
Publicaciones | Publications edit / delete
Jorge L. Ortega Arjona's publications, mostly on patterns for concurrency.
to concurrency patterns publications research ... on 11 May 2010
Downloadable Papers edit / delete
Iain Page's publications.
to concurrency fpga handel-c occam publications research ... on 08 May 2010
Jorge L. Ortega Arjona edit / delete
Another parallel patterns researcher, although I think we'll have to agree to disagree on how we define patterns!
to concurrency patterns research thesis ... on 14 April 2010
The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine edit / delete
Symbolic execution for LLVM; this can automatically compute testcases to cause assertions to fail in arbitrary programs. The introductory paper's pretty neat.
to compiler llvm research static-checking tock ... on 09 April 2010
Tony Finch - Coroutines in less than 20 lines of standard C edit / delete
Mostly standard, anyway.
to c concurrency coroutines research ... on 27 January 2010
patterns:patterns [Parallel Computing Laboratory] edit / delete
Another parallel patterns repository.
to concurrency parallel patterns research ... on 27 December 2009
AddingUserSpaceProbingToApps - Systemtap Wiki edit / delete
Perhaps worth investigating for CCSP?
to ccsp profiling research systemtap ... on 27 December 2009
University awards - Google Research edit / delete
Worth chasing for PLAS stuff.
Wasp Lisp Developments edit / delete
Another Lispy language with lightweight concurrency.
to concurrency language-design lisp research wasp ... on 18 December 2009
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tasty by Adam Sampson.