It Will Never Work in Theory - Software development research that is relevant in practice edit / delete

Good examples of papers with findings that are directly applicable to software engineering or teaching practice. Students will probably find this interesting.

to ag0700 ag0803 research software-engineering teaching ... on 02 April 2013

Failure is a Four-Letter Word - Software Engineering Chair (Prof. Zeller) - Saarland University edit / delete

How to lie with software engineering metrics (and, in a few cases, just outright lie).

to academia ag0803 amusements research statistics ... on 02 April 2013

A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks · ipython/ipython Wiki · GitHub edit / delete

"This page is a curated collection of IPython notebooks that are notable for some reason." Lots of examples of people doing cool stuff interactively with Python.

to maths python research statistics ... on 24 March 2013

BBC RD - Publications - White Paper 038 The MUSHRA audio subjective test method edit / delete

Brief paper on the approach that BBC R&D use for testing audio compression (using graded reference samples as well as the things they're testing).

to audio honours-projects research ... on 08 March 2013

Gamasutra: Mike Rose's Blog - Using SimCity to diagnose my home town's traffic problem edit / delete

Oddly enough, I had a final-year project student doing something very similar to this last year...

to amusements research simcity simulation traffic ... on 22 February 2013

Main Page - Procedural Content Generation Wiki edit / delete

Some interesting stuff. Probably of use to students.

to ag0700 ag0803 games procedural research teaching ... on 15 January 2013

Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis edit / delete

Exactly what it says on the tin. Brilliant (and quite interesting).

to academia journal publishing research ... on 16 November 2012

Cryptography and Braid Groups edit / delete

Handy list of references.

to braid crypto maths research ... on 07 November 2012

Journal of Computer Graphics Technology edit / delete

The latest incarnation of what used to be Graphics Gems: now it's an open-access journal run entirely by the editors, with no publisher involved. (And interesting papers so far.) I like this model.

to graphics journal publishing research ... on 13 October 2012

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