How to be a programmer edit / delete

A pleasantly anecdotal selection of advice for professional programmers. Worth pointing students at, although some of it's a bit dated now.

to debugging programming teaching ... on 10 August 2010

iPhone 3D Programming edit / delete

I have no particular interest in Apple-proprietary development of any kind, but the material on 3D maths and OpenGL here is good.

to 3d graphics maths opengl programming ... on 10 August 2010

ooc edit / delete

I don't think this is especially exciting, but if I don't bookmark it I'll probably want to find it again...

to language-design oo ooc programming ... on 10 August 2010

Hidden features of Python - Stack Overflow edit / delete

Some I'd not come across. Some I was suprised others would consider hidden!

to programming python ... on 26 July 2010

Home - rust - GitHub edit / delete

Another language filling roughly the same space as Go, built by some of the Mozilla folks. NewSqueak-inspired concurrency features.

to concurrency language language-design programming ... on 14 July 2010 edit / delete

An excellent technical blog about how (and why) stuff works.

to assembly programming retrocomputing reverse-engineering x86 ... on 09 July 2010

repilogue: STHLM Game Developer Forum talk edit / delete

Thoughts on CSP as a game engine (apparently, this being a useless SlideShare link and thus unreadable to me).

to concurrency csp games parallel programming ... on 19 June 2010

Software optimization resources. C++ and assembly. Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X edit / delete

Good stuff -- lots of information on how modern computer architectures work. (I'm upgrading my previous assessment of this site, having found it really useful while updating the CE0813 material!)

to architecture optimisation programming teaching ... on 17 March 2010

Context Switches on the Sparc Processor edit / delete

Found while trying to fix greenlet on SPARC. The PDF at the bottom is especially helpful.

to assembler concurrency programming sparc ... on 26 February 2010

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