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iosnoop For Linux edit / delete
"How does this work? It's just a shell script!" Linux's ftrace facility turns out to be surprisingly capable... and there are a whole load of neat scripts that use it in perf-tools.
to debugging ftrace linux perf performance tracing ... on 14 October 2016
Command-line tools can be 235x faster than your Hadoop cluster edit / delete
Nothing wrong with a bit of 1970s technology in the right context -- how to solve a not-very-big-data problem the right way.
to awk cloud cluster hadoop performance pipeline unix ... on 14 September 2016
Plogue R&D: Plogue livenes edit / delete
Playing live music on the NES sound chip... by changing one bit at a time! Somewhat reminiscent of viznut's one-liners.
to chiptune music nes performance retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016
Making SSH go faster on high-performance networks.
to buffering network performance ssh ... on 13 March 2015
Gordon Bell: Computers, Projects, Patents, Books, and Papers edit / delete
This includes electronic versions of many of his classic books on computer architecture -- very good stuff.
to ag0803 architecture cpu design electronics etext performance retrocomputing ... on 18 January 2015
Revisiting FullHD X11 desktop performance of the Allwinner A10 edit / delete
Looking, in detail, into how the CPU and GPU contend for memory on the A10 -- and why some A10 machines (particularly with 16-bit memory) struggle with high resolutions. This is lovely stuff -- it's like talking about the Spectrum all over again!
to allwinner arm contention dram embedded memory performance video ... on 14 November 2014
robertdavidgraham/robdns · GitHub edit / delete
A high-performance DNS server. The reason it's high-performance is that it includes its own network stack...
to dns networking performance software tcpip ... on 03 October 2014
Ftrace: The hidden light switch [LWN.net] edit / delete
Using Linux's function tracer to investigate a kernel performance problem. I was looking at this again recently because I'd like to know when exactly bash is getting called...
to ftrace kernel linux performance tracing ... on 03 October 2014
Modern Microprocessors - A 90 Minute Guide! edit / delete
This covers nearly all of the architecture side of AG0803, and some more stuff besides; a nice overview.
to ag0803 architecture cpu memory performance pipelining superscalar ... on 24 August 2014
How to optimize Raspberry Pi code using its GPU « Pete Warden's blog edit / delete
Speeding up computer vision code using the VideoCore.
to gpu optimisation performance raspberry-pi videocore vision ... on 24 August 2014
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tasty by Adam Sampson.