PICatout: LED scintillante edit / delete

Making your own flashing LED, with a little PIC glued to the base. This is very silly and also very impressive.

to amusements electronics led microcontroller pic ... on 09 April 2014

Sprites mods - Welcome - Welcome! edit / delete

All sorts of fun electronics and microcontroller projects.

to amusements electronics hack mechanica microcontroller reverse-engineering ... on 25 December 2013

PIC Blitz edit / delete

"PIC Blitz is a tiny, low-power, ultra-low-cost device that plays lightning chess. It is based on a PIC16F628A microcontroller, which has just 3.5 kbytes of flash and 224 bytes of RAM."

to chess cute-code games microcontroller pic ... on 12 November 2013

CCCen - YouTube edit / delete

Videos from CCC in English.

to ccc conference microcontroller reverse-engineering security video ... on 28 May 2013

Baofeng Radios edit / delete

More specifically: reverse engineering the UV-3R and UV-5R. Apparently it's pretty easy to reprogram the 3R's microcontroller, and they're both based on an I2C-controlled single-chip transceiver, so are eminently suitable for rebuilding for other applications.

to amateur baofeng microcontroller radio reverse-engineering uv3r uv5r ... on 27 March 2013

Linux and electronics notes. edit / delete

There's a pretty spectacular demo of rewinding a transformer using a stepper motor to distribute the windings evenly -- and some other neat things, e.g. building a boost converted using an AVR, and measuring AA cell discharge rates.

to aa avr battery electronics microcontroller stepper transformer winding ... on 24 March 2013

Bi-Directional MOSFET Voltage Level Converter 3.3V to 5V edit / delete

Neat circuit using a single MOSFET to do bidirectional level conversion. This is what the Sparkfun etc. boards do.

to electronics level-conversion logic microcontroller mosfet ... on 24 March 2013

USBtiny edit / delete

Low-speed USB implementation for AVRs; under the GPL, including a lirc driver.

to avr embedded microcontroller usb ... on 01 March 2013

Ciseco edit / delete

An assortment of radio boards for use with Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and the like. They're based on the CC110x chips so they're pretty flexible (e.g. they do one with a built-in USB controller, and an Arduino clone that uses that to do the USB serial port).

to arduino embedded microcontroller radio raspberry-pi ... on 28 February 2013

FT240X edit / delete

Like the ubiquitous FTDI serial chips, but with a parallel FIFO interface. This'd be ideal for getting data efficiently off of older machines.

to embedded ftdi microcontroller retrocomputing usb ... on 28 February 2013

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