Microphone Database | RecordingHacks.com edit / delete

Searchable by manufacturer, type of microphone, properties, etc. Primarily aimed at mic modders, so has quite a bit of information about cheap Chinese microphones (and less historical info).

to audio electronics microphone recording ... on 13 May 2017

Dual Channel Blackface-style Preamp for Bass Guitar edit / delete

Clone (sort of) of the Alembic F-2B, a rackmount version of the classic Fender preamp and tone stack. The Alembic remains absurdly expensive so this might be an interesting project... although I'm really not convinced about the safety of his PSU arrangement! (You'd have to do something different for 240V anyway, e.g. two transformers back to back.)

to alembic bass david-gilmour effects electronics fender music preamp ... on 06 April 2017

Proposed Electronic Calculator, by Alan Turing (48 pp.) undated edit / delete

Proposal for what became the ACE, circa 1945. Among many other things, this introduces the BURY and UNBURY opcodes (which these days we'd call PUSH and POP) and their application in function linkage.

to ace architecture electronics history retrocomputing turing ... on 05 April 2017

Projects - Dmitry Grinberg edit / delete

Reverse-engineering cheap ARM microcontrollers, and some very fancy LED lighting projects.

to electronics led microcontroller reverse-engineering ... on 06 March 2017

Trammell Hudson's Projects edit / delete

Lots of interesting electronics, security and retrocomputing projects; in particular, PDP-11 restoration and interesting USB input devices.

to electronics retrocomputing reverse-engineering security usb ... on 26 February 2017

Shift1 System for 1-wire Shift Registers edit / delete

Expanding a single output pin using a shift register and a couple of RC delay networks for clock and latch pulses.

to electronics io microcontroller shift-register ... on 26 February 2017

μWWVB: A Tiny WWVB Station · cat /var/log/life edit / delete

"μWWVB is a watch stand that automatically sets the time on atomic wristwatches where regular WWVB signal isn’t available. The system acquires the correct time via GPS and sets radio-controlled clocks by emulating the amplitude-modulated WWVB time signal." Awesome!

to amusements electronics radio time watch wwvb ... on 26 February 2017

Projects - WFFwiki edit / delete

DIY Econet clock, and various other Acorn-related projects.

to acorn electronics nintendo retrocomputing ... on 06 December 2016

ByteDelight.com | Welcome! edit / delete

New Spectrum hardware, including new PCBs using 74HC chips (i.e. no ULA) based on Chris Smith's work.

to electronics retrocomputing sinclair spectrum ... on 27 November 2016

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