spigot: a command-line exact real calculator edit / delete

A calculator which "does not output any digit of the answer until it's sure that the digit is right, and it will keep generating digits until you tell it to stop." Which means it's great if you're after pi, but struggles with numbers like 0.

to amusements calculator maths software ... on 10 December 2017

The Tribes 2 Annoying Bastard Guide edit / delete

"Whenever a defender says "There he is AGAIN! Didn't we shoot that guy? Why isn't he dead?", that's a member of Team Annoying Bastard he's talking about." A classic from 2001.

to amusements games tribes ... on 02 December 2017

Historic card games described by David Parlett edit / delete

"These pages [...] present (a) histories of classic games such as Poker and Euchre and (b) details of historic games, such as Gleek and Quadrille, that are now only museum pieces." Lots of interesting stuff here.

to amusements card games history tabletop ... on 12 September 2017

Bob Eichler's Home Page edit / delete

Fairly high overlap with my interests: classic game hardware, detailed reviews of prog rock albums and shows, Frank Zappa references on MST3K. Pity about the obnoxious Javascript malware injected by the hosting provider!

to amusements gba microvision mst3k music pink-floyd prog retrocomputing yes zappa ... on 12 September 2017

*Advanced RISC Technology* edit / delete

"©1996 Advanced RISC Technology" -- a company that was very enthusiastic about ARM CPUs in the early 90s. They were right!

to amusements arm retrocomputing ... on 12 September 2017

Kit Rae: Guitars and Gear edit / delete

Lots of guitar-related stuff, but particularly interesting for the detailed history of the Big Muff Pi fuzz pedals -- with discussion of all the different models, circuit differences, etc. -- and Tangerine Dream's film score for "The Keep". A substantial time sink.

to amusements big-muff david-gilmour effects guitar music pink-floyd tangerine-dream the-keep ... on 06 April 2017

spare bricks :: the archive edit / delete

Complete run of an online Pink Floyd zine. The reviews of concerts and interviews with various people are interesting.

to amusements bootleg music pink-floyd prog zine ... on 06 April 2017

μWWVB: A Tiny WWVB Station · cat /var/log/life edit / delete

"μWWVB is a watch stand that automatically sets the time on atomic wristwatches where regular WWVB signal isn’t available. The system acquires the correct time via GPS and sets radio-controlled clocks by emulating the amplitude-modulated WWVB time signal." Awesome!

to amusements electronics radio time watch wwvb ... on 26 February 2017

cjb/GitTorrent: A decentralization of GitHub using BitTorrent and Bitcoin edit / delete

"GitTorrent is a peer-to-peer network of Git repositories being shared over BitTorrent." Also uses Bitcoin for username registration, which is a cute hack.

to amusements git p2p scm version-control ... on 26 February 2017

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