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Fixing 2600 ET, generating mazes, emulating the Kenbak-1, etc.

to 2600 6502 et games kenbak maze retrocomputing ... on 15 April 2013

billbudge/PCS_Atari800 ยท GitHub edit / delete

Source for Bill Budge's Atari 800 Pinball Construction Set (following on from the Prince of Persia source being published). I wonder how many other classic 8-bit games still have source hiding somewhere out there?

to 6502 800 atari games retrocomputing source ... on 24 March 2013

Tiny Basic Info edit / delete

Tom Pittman's Tiny Basic, and some games, including a remarkably complete adventure.

to 6502 6800 basic games retrocomputing software ... on 30 July 2012

James Tauber : ApplePy edit / delete

An Apple II (and thus 6502) emulator in Python.

to 6502 apple2 emulation python ... on 17 August 2011

Great Australian software developers: Nick Gammon & G-Pascal - SuperCoders edit / delete

A tiny Pascal implementation for the Apple II and C64. How about a port to the BBC?

to 6502 apple2 c64 compiler pascal retrocomputing software ... on 22 July 2011 edit / delete

The 6502 emulated, at the transistor level, in Javascript. Words fail me.

to 6502 chip cpu design electronics retrocomputing ... on 19 September 2010

Floodgap - Retrobits and edit / delete

Commodore stuff -- including a KIM emulator for the C64 -- Tandy pocket computers, and various other retrocomputing bits.

to 6502 commodore retrocomputing tandy ... on 03 November 2007

The 6502 Instruction Set Decoded edit / delete

Complete with undocumented instructions and other oddities.

to 6502 assembler programming ... on 15 August 2006

6502 mnemonics edit / delete

to 6502 assembler programming ... on 15 August 2006

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