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Floodgap Retrobits presents the Solbourne Solace: a shrine to the forgotten SPARC edit / delete
High-performance Sun clones.
to retrocomputing solbourne sun sunos unix ... on 21 June 2016
Unix system programming in OCaml edit / delete
"This document is an introductory course on Unix system programming, with an emphasis on communications between processes. The main novelty of this work is the use of the OCaml language". This is effectively APUE done in OCaml -- which is a really nice way (in my opinion!) to introduce the language.
to apue functional ocaml programming unix ... on 16 March 2016
Unix Heritage Wiki edit / delete
"This wiki aims to collect the available historical documents and recollections of Unix into one central place so they can be studied by researchers and Unix enthusiasts alike."
to bell history os-design retrocomputing unix ... on 16 March 2016
jlevy/the-art-of-command-line: Master the command line, in one page edit / delete
I didn't learn anything remarkable here (although it did remind me about M-# in bash, which I always forget), but this is a good reference for new Unix-like users.
Commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System edit / delete
The text of the Lions book, electronically. (Did you know there's also a Lions commentary on the PCC backend?)
to history lions pdp11 retrocomputing unix ... on 16 March 2016
Ulix OS -- The Literate Operating System edit / delete
As it says. Reading the papers suggests that it's a very incomplete implementation of Unix, unfortunately.
to literate-programming os teaching unix ... on 31 December 2015
c3x04/Unix-1st-Edition-jun72 edit / delete
Unix V1 source, bootable in simh.
to history retrocomputing software unix ... on 23 September 2015
What became Minix 3, but this site's interesting because it has an archive of the installation media for all the previous releases. I'd like to get Minix 2 running on my AT at some point; it's probably the most useful of the Unix-likes that can run on a 286 owing to decent networking support.
to minix retrocomputing software unix ... on 13 September 2015
Unicorn Unix Magic Tricks - Thorsten Ball edit / delete
"How would one build something like this? I had no idea." The author then goes on to explore in detail how to build a process farm; a nice overview of the techniques.
Collected advice on Unix CLI Design & Implementation (Alan Coopersmith's Weblog) edit / delete
A Solaris-specific view on Unix tool design. (Not always followed in the past -- I have not-very-fond memories of a Sun disk array where the admin command was "rm6".)
to design patterns solaris toolbox unix ... on 23 March 2015
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tasty by Adam Sampson.