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Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 edit / delete
Possibly the first mainstream language to feature concurrency?
to concurrency design language research retrocomputing ... on 21 September 2006
Scripting language with (basic) concurrency features.
to concurrency design language research scripting ... on 21 September 2006
The Universe of Discourse : Design patterns of 1972 edit / delete
MJD writing about how design patterns can inform language features -- a nice summary of the point.
to design language patterns research ... on 11 September 2006
A+: a programming language for actual programmers edit / delete
The deeply scary A+ language (from MSDW's internal software department). It's essentially a modern APL, complete with custom character set. I'm sure it's very expressive if you're familiar with it, but it has the most alien-looking syntax I've seen...
to apl design language programming vector ... on 13 August 2006
Prototype-based language with concurrency features.
to concurrency design language prototypes research ... on 13 August 2006
Some retrocomputing stuff, but most interestingly MCPL, a BCPL-inspired untyped low-level language which has pattern matching. It's really cool in an odd sort of way.
to design language programming retrocomputing ... on 13 August 2006
STOICAL - STack Oriented Interactive Compiler Adapted to Linux edit / delete
A STOIC-inspired language. Has some concurrency features.
to design language programming ... on 13 August 2006
Ludopath - Original Game Design from Barcelona edit / delete
Some game designs, including a card deck for Eleusis.
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- design | |
1 | + 3d |
1 | + 6502 |
2 | + ag0700 |
1 | + ag0803 |
1 | + amusements |
1 | + apl |
1 | + apple2 |
1 | + architecture |
1 | + art |
1 | + babbage |
2 | + c |
1 | + chess |
1 | + chip |
1 | + cmp409 |
3 | + compiler |
6 | + concurrency |
1 | + continuations |
2 | + cpu |
1 | + design-patterns |
1 | + diagrams |
1 | + dp |
1 | + editing |
1 | + efficiency |
2 | + electronics |
1 | + etext |
1 | + ethics |
1 | + fab |
1 | + factor |
1 | + flags |
1 | + font |
1 | + forth |
1 | + functional |
5 | + games |
1 | + gimp |
1 | + graphics |
1 | + gtk |
2 | + haskell |
1 | + history |
1 | + honours |
1 | + interface |
1 | + ir |
1 | + java |
1 | + javascript |
19 | + language |
1 | + lisp |
1 | + maths |
2 | + mechanica |
1 | + os |
1 | + parallel |
4 | + patterns |
1 | + performance |
3 | + philosophy |
1 | + photography |
1 | + pipeline |
1 | + playability |
1 | + prince-of-persia |
10 | + programming |
1 | + prototypes |
1 | + python |
1 | + reading-code |
15 | + research |
7 | + retrocomputing |
1 | + retrotech |
1 | + scripting |
1 | + security |
1 | + simulation |
2 | + software |
2 | + software-engineering |
1 | + solaris |
1 | + syntax-highlighting |
1 | + text |
2 | + toolbox |
1 | + types |
1 | + typography |
5 | + ui |
3 | + unix |
1 | + usability |
1 | + vector |
1 | + vim |
5 | + web |
tasty by Adam Sampson.