STM MPM edit / delete

Apache 2 occam-style threads MPM.

to apache concurrency software web ... on 29 April 2006

State Threads Library edit / delete

occam-style threads library for C.

to concurrency software threads ... on 29 April 2006

Squawks of the Parrot: Variables and threads edit / delete

About the choice of mutable vs. immutable data for concurrent languages.

to concurrency language programming research ... on 01 March 2006

Squawks of the Parrot: Functions and subs in a threaded world edit / delete

"What if function and subroutine calls all spawned off their own threads and ran independently?" Reinventing the occam model again (as someone points out in the comments).

to concurrency language programming python research ... on 16 February 2006

Synchronization with eventcounts and sequencers edit / delete

Paper describing the Unos "eventcount" communications mechanism, which has some interesting properties.

to concurrency research retrocomputing ... on 01 February 2006

Kamaelia edit / delete

The BBC R&D Python concurrency library for multimedia. Cool stuff. (Thought I'd bookmarked it before, but hey.)

to broadcast concurrency python research video ... on 31 January 2006

Coro edit / delete

Coroutines (with IO, channels, semaphores etc.) for Perl.

to concurrency perl research software ... on 26 January 2006

Welcome to MyHDL [MyHDL] edit / delete

A Python package for generating FPGA designs. Another instance of the concurrency-using-generators idea (as seen in Kamaelia), but using Python to generate FPGA code is novel.

to concurrency fpga python research software ... on 24 January 2006

Composable Memory Transactions edit / delete

Another approach to concurrency from Microsoft Research. I can't imagine wanting to use this for applications programming, and it seems that it'd be terribly inefficient to implement, but it's an interesting read anyway.

to concurrency research ... on 10 January 2006

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