DDJ>Thoughts on Language Design edit / delete

Guy L. Steele on designing a parallel language -- and, more specifically, on how we might like to reconsider some of the tenets of structured programming while doing so.

to concurrency design language parallel programming research ... on 30 December 2005

What Happened on Mars? edit / delete

Priority inversion problems on Pathfinder.

to bugs concurrency research ... on 26 December 2005

The Apache Cocoon Project edit / delete

"Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component pipelines', each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions, hooking together compone

to concurrency network research software ... on 01 December 2005

Welcome to Bluebottle edit / delete

An operating system based on Active Oberon (and thus Active Objects).

to active-objects concurrency oberon os research ... on 28 November 2005

IBM Research | IBM Research | The X10 Programming Language edit / delete

IBM's new Javaish (yuck) concurrent language.

to concurrency programming research ... on 27 October 2005

MF Bliki: OOPSLA2005 edit / delete

Writeup of OOPSLA2005.

to concurrency oo programming research ... on 27 October 2005

POSH: Python Object Sharing edit / delete

A Python extension that lets you put objects in shared memory.

to concurrency python software ... on 10 October 2005

Python Cheese Shop : parallel 0.1 edit / delete

CSP-style programming with fork and socketpair, which sounds worryingly heavyweight.

to concurrency python research software ... on 07 October 2005

Active Objects in Python edit / delete

Describes "active objects" as "CSP applied to OO" -- sounds interesting.

to concurrency csp python research ... on 07 October 2005

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