Commons Javaflow - Overview edit / delete

Jakarta's bytecode-fiddling implementation of continuations in Java.

to concurrency continuations java programming research ... on 23 May 2006

Advanced Control Flow - Continuations edit / delete

Sample "we can't do this, but..." process-oriented web code from the Cocoon manual.

to concurrency continuations programming research web ... on 23 May 2006

Mono Continuations edit / delete

Continuations and lightweight (Stackless Python-style) threads and channels for C#. There's definitely some momentum here...

to concurrency research software ... on 21 May 2006

Bluish Coder: Lightweight threads in the browser edit / delete

Erlang-style concurrency for Javascript (messaging between processes -- which seems hideously limited to me from an occam perspective, but does appear to work pretty well in many systems).

to concurrency javascript programming research web ... on 20 May 2006

Computational Theology : Weblog edit / delete

The more interesting question, I feel, is whether it'd be possible to use a process-oriented approach for building web apps, where you have channels to and from the user, and your code to interact with a single user is a process. Something to play with in

to concurrency continuations design language programming research web ... on 20 May 2006

CS257-Programming with Concurrency edit / delete

Harvard's concurrency course.

to concurrency research teaching ... on 20 May 2006

STM MPM edit / delete

Apache 2 occam-style threads MPM.

to apache concurrency software web ... on 29 April 2006

State Threads Library edit / delete

occam-style threads library for C.

to concurrency software threads ... on 29 April 2006

Squawks of the Parrot: Variables and threads edit / delete

About the choice of mutable vs. immutable data for concurrent languages.

to concurrency language programming research ... on 01 March 2006

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