fsniper documentation edit / delete

"fsniper is a utility that waits for a file to be changed, then executes a command on that file."

to inotify software unix ... on 25 November 2012

Everything Sysadmin: 4 unix commands I abuse every day edit / delete

Some handy Unix tricks. "grep ." (or, rather, "grep ''") is one I use quite a bit, but using par to produce single words was new.

to tips unix ... on 28 September 2012

Series: Unix as IDE « Arabesque edit / delete

A philosophy I also subscribe to.

to ide software-design tools unix ... on 16 September 2012

~sven_mascheck/ edit / delete

A comprehensive history of Unix shells, and the subtle differences between them.

to retrocomputing shell unix ... on 06 August 2012

AmigaUnix edit / delete

For the three or four people who have a machine capable of running Amix, you can get it from here.

to amiga amix retrocomputing sysv unix ... on 06 August 2012

The Machine Emulator edit / delete

Emulates various Sun machines.

to emulation netbsd solaris sun unix ... on 19 June 2012

Basics of the Unix Philosophy edit / delete

Some useful general programming advice.

to ag0700 programming style unix ... on 24 May 2012

Practical UNIX Manuals: mdoc edit / delete

A guide to writing man pages. Particularly useful because it describes the best way to do this with modern man tools.

to etext man manual unix writing ... on 04 March 2012

michaelmacinnis/oh - GitHub edit / delete

A shell written in Go, providing channels, fork, etc.

to concurrency go shell software unix ... on 21 May 2011

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