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I have a file for these, but it's nice to see someone's collecting them publically. (Perhaps my file ought to be in misccode.)

to cli commands unix ... on 30 October 2010

Nordier & Associates edit / delete

UNIX V7 ported to the PC. Very neat!

to retrocomputing software unix ... on 20 January 2009

Famous Sed One-Liners Explained, Part III - good coders code, great reuse edit / delete

More detailed explanations of those awk and sed one-liners.

to awk programming sed unix ... on 20 January 2009

Eric Pement home page edit / delete

Includes impressive collections of sed and awk one-liners.

to awk programming sed unix ... on 20 January 2009

unix-jun72 - Google Code edit / delete

The PDP-11 assembler version of Unix, reconstructed from printouts.

to retrocomputing software unix ... on 27 June 2008

cstream - a general-purpose streaming tool edit / delete

dd done right.

to software unix ... on 13 August 2006

plope - supervisor edit / delete

Another supervise-like program.

to software unix ... on 28 March 2006

monit edit / delete

A remarkably fancy tool for monitoring stuff -- it's got daemontools-like functionality, along with checking for file changes and similar things.

to daemon monitoring software unix ... on 13 February 2006

Ux edit / delete

(Slightly odd) C++ bindings for SuS, written by the APUE2e author.

to c++ programming unix ... on 23 August 2005

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