Simutrans - Transportation Simulator Game edit / delete

Another open-source Transport Tycoon-alike, apparently with better economics than OpenTTD.

to amusements games to-package transport ... on 27 May 2013

Hastings Diesels Limited - Home edit / delete

A very small train maintenance and hire company, running DEMUs designed for the Hastings-Tonbridge Wells line.

to mechanica rail retrotech train transport ... on 28 September 2012

Passenger Services over Unusual Lines edit / delete

I can't imagine why I would ever need this, but it's sort of interesting that it exists.

to rail trains transport ... on 22 January 2012

Rail Industry Data | edit / delete

Handy index of public data from the UK rail industry.

to data rail trains transport ... on 22 January 2012

GENSHEET homepage British railway information and photographs edit / delete

Includes some more visualisations of the routing guide, although the original is actually pretty good to start with.

to rail trains transport ... on 22 January 2012

ATOC - Routeing Guide edit / delete

The book that tells you what "ANY PERMITTED" means on a National Rail ticket. It's remarkably complicated, and produces some interesting results (e.g. it claims I'd be able to travel from Dundee to London via Aberdeen, although I suspect I'd get some odd looks if I actually tried that).

to rail trains transport ... on 21 January 2012

Railways stuff edit / delete

Lots of London Underground stuff.

to rail trains transport underground ... on 21 January 2012

Dewi's Railway, Trains & Trams Page edit / delete

I was wondering what London's trams looked like. (And chasing links to find that Dundee used to have a fairly extensive tram system...)

to history retrotech train tram transport ... on 23 August 2011

Dundee's Buses - Dundee Bus & Coach Timetables Online edit / delete

Handy reference to bus services in Dundee.

to bus dundee transport ... on 05 August 2011

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