The Electronic Peasant's Do-It-Yourself Projects Page edit / delete

Some synth stuff with nice cases (although not a lot of technical detail, sadly).

to electronics synth ... on 13 April 2009


Slightly inaccurate title: most of this is scans of electronics magazine articles for synthesisers, effects, and so on.

to effects electronics guitar synth ... on 28 December 2008

Wendy Carlos HomePage edit / delete

Not just her music (Switched-On Bach, et al.), but details of her studio equipment, musings about mapmaking and surround sound, and various other geeky stuff. Good reading.

to amusements audio cartography cats microphone music recording surround synth ... on 23 December 2008

WP20 edit / delete

A very little -- and very simple -- analogue synth design. It would be interesting to build an expanded version of this, although I suspect the performance (e.g. pitch stability) won't be very good.

to electronics music synth ... on 27 June 2008

Peter Vogel's Fairlight Audio Archives edit / delete

Fairlight-related recordings.

to fairlight music retrotech synth ... on 08 June 2008

Rumpelrausch Täips edit / delete

A free software drawbar organ emulator. Currently for VST on Windows, but porting it to JACK sounds like a fun project...

to audio organ software synth ... on 16 July 2006

BBC Radiophonic Workshop edit / delete

A history of the Radiophonic Workshop's equipment (with much more detail from the 70s onwards).

to bbc music radio retrotech synth ... on 14 July 2006

Concertmate's website edit / delete

A band that uses domestic synthesisers. Lots of MP3 files available.

to music retrotech synth ... on 29 March 2006

Jay's Museum edit / delete

Extremely impressive one-man-band rock with custom instruments. The videos are well worth watching.

to amusements bass electronics guitar music synth ... on 01 January 2006

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