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Vintage 78s - LP & Antique 78 rpm - Old Phonograph record transfer to CD edit / delete
Lots of information about playing 78s, including the story of the HMV logo.
Hammond Novachord: an Instrument Ahead of its Time edit / delete
Possibly the first electronic synth. Sounds very nice, too.
to electronics retrotech synth ... on 08 September 2005
The history of the OSCar synth.
Early Television Foundation edit / delete
Vintage TV in the USA.
The Old Engine House Homepage edit / delete
Repairing and preserving stationary steam engines -- very Fred Dibnah.
to engineering retrotech ... on 02 August 2005
LeapSecond Home Page edit / delete
Amateur timekeeping: an impressive collection of time standard devices.
Pete Roberts' Radio Services edit / delete
Old radios (including the early miniature transistor sets), and parts sales for them.
to electronics radio retrotech shopping ... on 21 July 2005
The Spontaflex Reflex Web Page edit / delete
"An idea of the ingenious reflex operation employed is given by the fact that the headphone output is taken from the same emitter that the aerial is applied to!" Some very cool 1960s transistor radio designs.
to electronics radio retrotech ... on 21 July 2005
Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration edit / delete
to electronics radio retrotech ... on 21 July 2005
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tasty by Adam Sampson.