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The ESP8266 is a very cheap microcontroller-onna-board with proper wireless networking and a TCP/IP stack. Most people seem to hook it up to another microcontroller, but you can run code on the ESP8266 itself; this site has cross-development tools and documentation. (Although it's only IPv4 at the moment, so it wouldn't be very useful for sensor apps on my home network as-is.)

to cross embedded esp8266 microcontroller networking programming wireless ... on 18 January 2015

Why I no longer contribute to StackOverflow — Michael T. Richter edit / delete

"There's an old cliché in English: give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. StackOverflow is filled to the brim with people giving fishes. The people asking are learning nothing useful beyond the shortest of the short terms and the people teaching are not helping in any but the most trivial of ways." Yes. I haven't quite got to the point of telling students to ignore the StackOverflow forums -- but I do see an awful lot of bad advice that students have found there.

to programming teaching web ... on 18 January 2015

PS2Linuxをいじる edit / delete

If I could read Japanese, this would be a very helpful reference for early PS2 Linux and PS2 Homebrew stuff. It's fairly useful even if you're just looking at screenshots and chasing links (because most of the things it links to are in English).

to games homebrew linux playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

PS2 Homebrew Development edit / delete

Repos for the ps2dev toolchain -- the stuff that used to be on ps2dev.org.

to games homebrew playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

An Introduction to PS2DEV edit / delete

"This article is an introduction to home-brew PlayStation 2 Development also known as PS2DEV." Up to date as of 2008-ish (i.e. it talks about FreeMcBoot).

to games homebrew playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

- Welcome to Woon Yung's Web Site! - edit / delete

Lots of PS2 homebrew tools; he's the current maintainer of FreeMcBoot, but there are various hardware drivers and a hard disk diagnostic here too.

to games homebrew playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

PS2 Homebrew/Dev & Emu Scene edit / delete

This appears to be the centre of PS2 homebrew development these days -- and the tools have improved quite a bit over the last few years. In particular, there's FreeMcBoot which you can just drop onto a memory card, or FreeHDBoot which you can dd to a hard disk (probably an easier option if you have a network adapter and a spare ATA disk -- so it's what I did). Discussion of other tools including the Linux kit and updated Linux ports here too.

to games homebrew linux playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

Thinking Forth edit / delete

Leo Brodie's classic book, now available under a Creative Commons license.

to books etext forth language-design programming rpn software-engineering ... on 24 November 2014

36-350, Statistical Computing, Fall 2013 edit / delete

Programming course for people who know some statistics already.

to maths programming r statistics teaching ... on 03 October 2014

A kind of worked examples for large classrooms | Computing Education Blog edit / delete

Using short code examples to explore variety in teaching; I could see this working well for some of the stuff I teach in AG0700. Note link to material. I also liked the suggestion for a more affordable (although less trendy) alternative to clickers.

to fyp programming teaching ... on 24 August 2014

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