Metamath Music Page edit / delete

"Mathematical Proofs Set to Music". Splendidly bizarre.

to amusements maths music ... on 13 August 2006 edit / delete

Various documents on early computers. The long paper on breaking the Tunny cryptosystem is especially interesting.

to crypto history maths retrocomputing ... on 14 June 2006

Opinions of Doron Zeilberger edit / delete

Rants from a mathematician.

to amusements maths ... on 14 June 2006

Videoplus edit / delete

Reverse-engineering the VideoPlus algorithm.

to crypto maths vcr video ... on 26 May 2006

John Savard's Home Page edit / delete

Splendidly diverse (and growing every time I come back to it).

to amusements chess electronics keyboards maps maths retrocomputing time video ... on 22 February 2006

Interval Computations edit / delete

A useful set of resources about interval computations.

to maths numeric research ... on 13 February 2006


Building a slide rule based on trigonometric identities rather than on logarithms.

to maths sliderule ... on 03 December 2005

Al Zimmermann's programming contests edit / delete

A fun puzzle-related programming contest.

to maths programming puzzle ... on 09 September 2005

This FTP site edit / delete

A big collection of CS-theoretic articles.

to c++ haskell language maths research ... on 05 September 2005

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