jtnimoy: The Work of Josh Nimoy edit / delete

How Tron Legacy's faux-tech art was created.

to amusements art graphics tron ... on 24 March 2013

Optimizing Software Occlusion Culling – index | The ryg blog edit / delete

Detailed worked example of optimising low-level graphics code. AG0803 students, you'll probably like this (well, if you like AG0803).

to ag0803 graphics memory optimisation parallel ... on 24 March 2013

bugman123.com - Paul Nylander’s Web Site edit / delete

Mathematical art of various kinds -- e.g. a good section on 3D fractals. But the gear art is also pretty neat.

to 3d art fractals gears graphics maths ... on 14 February 2013

Mandelbox edit / delete

to 3d fractals graphics ... on 14 February 2013

Mandelbulber ::: 3D fractal explorer ::: open source / 64-bit / ray marcher edit / delete

This is a remarkably neat toy. I like the Mandelbox with negative scales.

to 3d fractals graphics software ... on 14 February 2013

ImageWorsener edit / delete

Image processing tool with excellent descriptions of the algorithms it uses -- including gamma-correct rescaling, etc.

to ag0700 graphics software teaching ... on 16 January 2013

Scan Tailor edit / delete

Takes a directory full of scanned images, and processes them into nice tidy pages to make a PDF file from (splitting, deskewing, deblobbing, etc.). Works nicely; I now have a clean PDF of "The Scottish Violinist" based on A3 scans.

to etext graphics scan software ... on 18 November 2012

Learnable Programming edit / delete

Providing visual feedback and refactoring tools for simple graphics programs, with lots of example videos. Neat.

to graphics language-design teaching tools visual-programming ... on 24 October 2012

Journal of Computer Graphics Technology edit / delete

The latest incarnation of what used to be Graphics Gems: now it's an open-access journal run entirely by the editors, with no publisher involved. (And interesting papers so far.) I like this model.

to graphics journal publishing research ... on 13 October 2012

An Historical Timeline of Computer Graphics and Animation edit / delete

By Oscar Xavier Chavarro -- very comprehensive, with screenshots.

to ag0700 graphics history retrocomputing ... on 01 September 2012

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