WordsEye Login edit / delete

Makes 3D scenes from textual descriptions (e.g. "the bottle is on the huge table"). Very neat.

to amusements graphics linguistics ... on 25 June 2008

Modeline Database - MythTV edit / delete

Handy listing of TV modelines.

to graphics video x ... on 11 June 2007

image inpainting edit / delete

Image interpolation algorithms -- precisely what you'd want for getting rid of subtitles or logos on video.

to graphics video ... on 20 November 2006

Developer - QuickTime - Letters from the Ice Floe edit / delete

Details on how component video works in QuickTime files. Notable because it talks about how to convert between YUV and RGB.

to algorithms graphics video ... on 13 August 2006

Joe Clark: Design (2004.11.18) edit / delete

Some articles on graphic design and photography.

to design graphics photography ... on 13 August 2006

The Aggregate: Fisheye Digital Imaging For Under Twenty Dollars edit / delete

Using a peephole lens and a super-cheap webcam to take fisheye pictures.

to camera graphics ... on 18 April 2006

KrazyDad » Blog Archive » Processing as a first language, compared to Flash edit / delete

Using the Processing language (which is designed for doing arty stuff, but is pretty neat in itself) for teaching programming.

to graphics java language processing research teaching ... on 16 February 2006

Higher-Order Perl: linogram program edit / delete

Another constraints-driven graphics system.

to graphics software ... on 31 January 2006

SDL_gfx Library edit / delete

Successor to the SDL_gfxPrimitives library. Now provides various fancy bitmap ops.

to graphics research sdl software ... on 16 January 2006

imgSeek edit / delete

Image browser that lets you find pictures by similarity (for example, by drawing something and saying "find something like this").

to graphics software to-package ... on 25 December 2005

Browser bookmarks: tasty+ | tasty= Log in | Export | Atom

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