Radeon 9200 or 9250 (RV280) at 1600x1200 over DVI under Linux edit / delete

Looks like this might be a fix for the problems I've had getting my 9200 to do 1600x1200. (Yes, it was!)

to graphics ... on 06 September 2005

The Third Annual ICFP Programming Contest (Version 1.18) edit / delete

This one was implementing a ray tracer, which is useful because it says exactly how to do it.

to graphics ray-tracing ... on 17 March 2005

Colorization Using Optimization edit / delete

Very neat -- bet this'd be handy for restoring archive TV episodes...

to graphics ... on 10 March 2005

Simon Tatham's Home Page edit / delete

The author of PuTTY and various other interesting stuff.

to graphics maths software ... on 20 February 2005

Chris Rywalt's Portfolio Page edit / delete

Various graphicsy stuff.

to amusements graphics ... on 18 January 2005

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