Metaboard - Metalab edit / delete

Arduino-ish board that does USB in software. Nifty, although it makes debugging harder since you can't just print stuff to the UART any more...

to arduino avr usb ... on 21 August 2009

AVGA Homepage edit / delete

AVR tile-based graphics. Very neat.

to avr games microcontroller software vga video ... on 21 August 2009

Interesting Devices Ltd edit / delete

Sellers of extremely cheap PIC/AVR-based smartcards for satellite TV hacking purposes, programmers, and various other bits -- but I wonder if there are other uses for them... It might be cute to have a smartcard running the Transterpreter.

to avr electronics microcontroller pic reverse-engineering satellite shopping ... on 04 August 2009

mega-isp - Google Code edit / delete

Arduino firmware that emulates an AVR programmer. Useful for Arduino bootstrapping, I would imagine.

to arduino avr microcontroller software ... on 19 July 2009

Procyon AVRlib - C-Language Function Library for Atmel AVR Processors edit / delete

Handy library of AVR stuff, under the GPL.

to avr embedded microcontroller software ... on 04 July 2009

Arduino - NGAutoReset edit / delete

Modifying the Arduino NG to do the automatic reset thing the 2009 version supports. I plan to do this to all mine, and upgrade them to ATmega328s. (Although the instructions are wrong -- you should actually use the two pads nearest the FT232RL, to get the right line.)

to arduino avr electronics ... on 03 July 2009

Batsocks - TellyMate edit / delete

Generating a video signal with an AVR, including the tricks to get precise timing (something I never figured out when I was doing this with a Z80 many years ago). There was some discussion on the bbc-micro list about building a Teletext generator, and this'd be a good basis.

to avr electronics microcontroller teletext video ... on 03 June 2009

Uzebox - The ATMega Game Console edit / delete

Simple NTSC games console based around an AVR. Neat stuff. A SCART-mounted version with RGB output would be cooler, though...

to avr games microcontroller video ... on 24 May 2009

Teensy USB Development Board edit / delete

AVR development boards that have a native USB interface (rather than the Arduino-style FT232). These'd be great for building keyboard converters, etc.

to avr electronics microcontroller shopping usb ... on 07 April 2009

Dave Keenan's Home Page edit / delete

Random interesting stuff: odd temperaments, renewable energy, mathematics, AVR programmers, FPGAs, etc. I came here via the "To Dissect a Mockingbird" paper, which takes its analogy *way* too far, but there's lots more here. He used to be an occam programmer too.

to architecture avr energy fpga maths music pacifism tuning ... on 04 April 2009

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