OpenWrtDocs/Wpa2Enterprise - OpenWrt edit / delete

Setting up WPA with OpenWRT -- I want to do this to set up an Eduroam-style node at home.

to wireless wpa wrt54g ... on 06 October 2006

References on Wireless Sensor Networks edit / delete

Including some interesting summary stuff on ad-hoc network setup and routing.

to networking research wireless ... on 05 June 2006

SOWNWiki - Home Page edit / delete

to wireless ... on 08 July 2005

Parabolic Templat edit / delete

Building a simple parabolic reflector for a wireless access point.

to wireless ... on 21 February 2005

Wireless PCMCIA Networking from Solwise edit / delete

Handy: a vendor of wireless kit that lists the chipsets their cards are based on.

to shopping wireless ... on 14 February 2005

OpenBSD ar5210 driver edit / delete

OpenBSD have a reverse-engineered driver for the Atheros wireless cards. It'd be good to use this to replace the binary-only crud in the madwifi driver for Linux.

to driver linux openbsd wireless ... on 13 February 2005

Gnet Power Systems edit / delete

Approaches to powering wireless nodes (including "alternative energy" approaches).

to electronics power wireless ... on 02 February 2005

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