How to choose a font | Wisdom and Wonder edit / delete

Links to various articles on font selection; various interesting references on readability for different purposes.

to accessibility fonts typesetting typography ... on 26 July 2014

Patoline edit / delete

TeX-like typesetting system written in OCaml.

to ocaml tex typesetting ... on 13 July 2014

TikZ and PGF | edit / delete

Plenty of TikZ examples, including several process-diagram-ish ones. Some day in the future, when I get around to producing a process-oriented-LaTeX package...

to graphics tex tikz typesetting ... on 01 May 2010

CTAN: memoir edit / delete

Large package for LaTeX that's designed for typesetting books. Looks useful.

to latex publishing tex typesetting ... on 18 December 2009

Common (La)TeX errors edit / delete

Handy reference to fiddly things that can go wrong with LaTeX formatting.

to latex research typesetting ... on 14 November 2008

HYPHENATION, HTML Edition edit / delete

An online book on hyphenation. I love the Internet.

to amusements hyphenation typesetting typography ... on 07 January 2006

Amar Sagoo - Tofu edit / delete

Mac program for rendering text nicely. Now, a free version of this, using the TeX hyphenation algorithm...

to font software text typesetting typography ... on 31 December 2005

Making Light: Typesetting: when it changed edit / delete

Memories of how typesetting used to work.

to printing retrotech typesetting ... on 12 December 2005

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