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The Curious C-Beeper edit / delete
A capacitance meter with an audible output. Lots of alternative uses suggested.
to electronics test-equipment ... on 04 March 2012
Aerial Analyser Details edit / delete
In terms of features, pretty much a DIY MFJ-259 -- but built entirely out of common components, and including source code for the microcontroller.
to amateur analyser antenna electronics hf radio test-equipment ... on 27 February 2012
Hughski - ColorHug edit / delete
Open-source colourimeter. (Colorimeter? Dunno.) Interesting, although not working on CRTs is a pain.
to calibration colour monitor test-equipment video ... on 27 February 2012
Dave Partridge's Web Site edit / delete
Homebrew Tek add-ons.
to electronics tek test-equipment ... on 13 February 2012
Bertie Genade's homepage edit / delete
Assorted electronics projects, including another VCR tuner-based spectrum analyser.
to electronics rf test-equipment ... on 02 April 2011
rs22812 - Project Hosting on Google Code edit / delete
Code to decode serial messages from a Radio Shack 22-812 multimeter. From the description, this sounds suspiciously similar to the INO2513 meter that my multimeter.py module handles.
to multimeter python software test-equipment ... on 26 February 2011
Build a 1000 MHz RF Spectrum Analyzer Inexpensively edit / delete
... and even more careful plumbing!
to electronics microwave radio test-equipment uhf vhf ... on 04 February 2011
Homebrew RF Test Equipment and Software edit / delete
Much of which is of the careful-plumbing variety. Neat stuff. Includes a spectrum analyser built from a VCR tuner, which is what I was originally after.
to electronics microwave radio test-equipment tuner uhf vhf ... on 04 February 2011
S53MV DDS RF Signal Generator edit / delete
Neat SMD attenuator design.
to attenuator electronics radio test-equipment ... on 19 January 2011
http://www.retrotechnology.com, .net/ edit / delete
Mostly 1970s computing technology. Lots of information. (2013 edit: I've spent far too much time poking around this site now!)
to 8080 cpm imsai retrocomputing retrotech test-equipment ... on 17 August 2010
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- test-equipment | |
1 | + 3d |
1 | + 555 |
1 | + 8080 |
1 | + amateur |
1 | + amplifier |
1 | + amusements |
1 | + analyser |
3 | + antenna |
1 | + apple1 |
1 | + arcade |
1 | + arduino |
1 | + attenuator |
2 | + audio |
2 | + avr |
1 | + beaglebone |
1 | + calibration |
1 | + capacitance |
1 | + capacitor |
1 | + colour |
1 | + cpm |
28 | + electronics |
1 | + games |
1 | + gps |
1 | + graph |
2 | + graphics |
1 | + ham |
1 | + heathkit |
1 | + hf |
1 | + history |
1 | + hp |
1 | + imsai |
1 | + logic-analyser |
1 | + meter |
2 | + microcontroller |
2 | + microwave |
1 | + monitor |
1 | + mpf1 |
1 | + multimeter |
1 | + nokia |
1 | + oscillator |
3 | + oscilloscope |
1 | + phone |
1 | + psu |
1 | + python |
1 | + quake |
11 | + radio |
4 | + repair |
6 | + retrocomputing |
5 | + retrotech |
1 | + rf |
5 | + scope |
1 | + sdr |
1 | + serial |
5 | + shopping |
1 | + sliderule |
2 | + software |
1 | + sol-20 |
1 | + spectrum |
4 | + surplus |
4 | + tek |
1 | + tektronix |
1 | + time |
1 | + to-build |
1 | + transistor |
1 | + tuner |
1 | + tv |
2 | + uhf |
1 | + valve |
2 | + vector |
2 | + vhf |
1 | + video |
1 | + visualisation |
tasty by Adam Sampson.