The Railways Archive edit / delete

Historical British railway documents. (Wikipedia's "List of rail accidents in the United Kingdom" article is probably a better index than this site provides by itself, though.)`

to amusements history retrotech trains ... on 04 February 2009

G1JBG edit / delete

Some old technology stuff. Includes notes on using a computer as a standards converter.

to dec electronics radio retrotech ... on 27 November 2008

Vintage Radio Information edit / delete

The LLJ servicing stuff is quite entertaining.

to electronics radio retrotech ... on 13 September 2008

Roger Russell, McIntosh Lab., Scripto and Norma Pencils and leads edit / delete

Ex-director of McIntosh's speaker engineering division. Very interesting stuff.

to audio electronics retrotech speakers ... on 05 September 2008

Greg Goebel / In The Public Domain edit / delete

Various history-of-technology stuff. The guide to WW2 radar and navigation technology is particularly good.

to aviation electronics history radar radio retrotech ww2 ... on 24 August 2008 edit / delete

An impressive collection of WW2 US Navy/Air Force radios, from one of the guys restoring the Enola Gay.

to aviation electronics history radio retrotech ... on 24 August 2008

Building the front end of an Avro Lancaster Bomber of WWII fame. edit / delete

... with a full electronics and control setup. Very neat!

to aircraft aviation electronics radio retrotech ww2 ... on 21 August 2008

Tales From The Tone Lounge; The Home Pages of Tone Lizard Amplifiers edit / delete

Maintaining and modifying old guitar amps, with particular emphasis on debunking some of the sillier things people do. The notes on biasing an amplifier correctly are particularly interesting.

to amplifier electronics guitar retrotech ... on 20 August 2008

Seeburg Jukeboxes and Home Units of the 60s, 70s, and early 80s edit / delete

... by a former director of Seeburg's electronics division. His "blog" about working for Seeburg is absolutely fascinating.

to electronics jukebox retrotech ... on 19 August 2008

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