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GĂ©rard Boudol's Home Page edit / delete
Some concurrency-related papers, including "Non-interference for concurrent programs".
to concurrency papers research ... on 03 November 2007
Gregory's Guest House edit / delete
Run by friends of Jon's.
The Debian GNU/Linux AMD64 HOW-TO edit / delete
This talks in particular about schroot, which is a very neat tool.
Porting UNIX/Linux Applications to Mac OS X: Open Directory and the dscl Tool edit / delete
Adding users to a Mac without using the GUI.
Boids (Flocks, Herds, and Schools: a Distributed Behavioral Model) edit / delete
The original Boids (including Lisp source) and lots of references about it.
Boids Pseudocode edit / delete
Not quite the real Boids algorithm, but it seems to demonstrate flocking behaviour nicely. This is what Paul and I used for occoids.
Transputers, Helios, and more fun edit / delete
Mostly about the Atari Abaq Transputer-based workstation and HeliOS.
to os research retrocomputing transputer ... on 26 September 2007
The Quetzalcoatl C/UPL Compiler Homepage Version 2.1.0 BETA edit / delete
A 6502 Tiny C compiler.
to 6502 compiler research retrocomputing ... on 30 July 2007
Neil Mitchell - Catch: Case Totality Checker for Haskell edit / delete
Unfortunately this uses Yhc, and I doubt somewhat that Yhc can compile Tock yet (given that GHC barely manages it)...
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tasty by Adam Sampson.