Software Preservation Group — Software Preservation Group edit / delete

Some fairly specific archiving projects from CHM -- e.g. as much as they could collect about early Fortran compilers.

to compiler fortran history language-design retrocomputing ... on 13 September 2017

Undefined Behavior in 2017 – Embedded in Academia edit / delete

A really nice overview of undefined behaviour in C-family languages. Tempted to do a lecture on this for CMP201, although I suspect the students would find it rather depressing...

to c c++ language-design safety undefined-behaviour ... on 13 September 2017

graydon2 | "What next?" edit / delete

"After memory safety, what do you think is the next big step for compiled languages to take?" Some interesting suggestions.

to compiler language-design research ... on 12 September 2017

1ML - core and modules united edit / delete

"1ML is a reboot of ML starting from first-class modules, and unifies core and module layer into one small and consistent language." This cleans up some of the things I don't like about ML-family languages, and in the process gets some of the benefits of dependent types without the toolchain overhead. Interesting...

to 1ml functional language-design ml modules type-systems ... on 12 September 2017

The T3X Language and Compiler - T3X.ORG edit / delete

"T3X9 is a tiny, yet comprehensible, procedural language, much like Pascal or BCPL, but even more minimal. Its compiler is small and fast." There's a book about how the compiler works too.

to cmp409 compiler language-design ... on 13 May 2017

es edit / delete

"Es is an extensible shell. The language was derived from the Plan 9 shell, rc, and was influenced by functional programming languages, such as Scheme, and the Tcl embeddable programming language." Meets some of the design criteria I'm interested in, although overall I don't find the design that compelling.

to es language-design shell unix ... on 06 April 2017

Making the move from Scala to Go, and why we're not going back | Movio Blog edit / delete

POP being one reason: "It's not just the fact that channels and goroutines are cheaper in terms of resources [...] They are also easier to reason about when coding."

to concurrency go language-design process-oriented scala ... on 26 February 2017

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