Taybus Vintage Vehicle Society edit / delete

If you see a suspiciously old bus around Dundee, it's probably this (Arbroath-based) society...

to bus dundee history retrotech transport ... on 16 March 2016

Unix Heritage Wiki edit / delete

"This wiki aims to collect the available historical documents and recollections of Unix into one central place so they can be studied by researchers and Unix enthusiasts alike."

to bell history os-design retrocomputing unix ... on 16 March 2016

Commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System edit / delete

The text of the Lions book, electronically. (Did you know there's also a Lions commentary on the PCC backend?)

to history lions pdp11 retrocomputing unix ... on 16 March 2016

What's worked in computer science edit / delete

Looking back at Lampson's conclusions.

to cs history research risc security strategy ... on 28 February 2016

The Pirate Book – The Pirate Book – A compilation of stories about sharing, distributing and experiencing cultural contents outside the boundaries of local economies, politics, or laws edit / delete

"This work offers a broad view on media piracy as well as a variety of comparative perspectives on recent issues and historical facts regarding piracy." Interesting stories.

to history media piracy politics ... on 28 February 2016

Copyright Does Not Exist edit / delete

A pretty interesting overview of Nordic scene culture in the 90s.

to culture cyberpunk demoscene digital-rights history retrocomputing ... on 28 February 2016

Warren Spector - lectures - YouTube edit / delete

Long-form oral history interviews with game developers. Doing this as a lecture is an interesting idea.

to games history interview retrocomputing ... on 08 February 2016

Bad Archaeology edit / delete

"We are a couple of real archaeologists ... fed up with the distorted view of the past that passes for knowledge in popular culture. We are unhappy that journalists with no knowledge of the methods, aims, techniques and theories of real archaeology can sell hundreds of times more books than real archaeologists. We do not appreciate news programmes that talk about ley lines as if they are real. In short, we are Angry Archaeologists."

to amusements archaeology history ... on 06 February 2016

2600 Connection edit / delete

Various "how to play arcade games" books; also includes Warren Robinett's history of 2600 Adventure, which is very interesting.

to 2600 adventure atari games history retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

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