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Aerial Analyser Details edit / delete
In terms of features, pretty much a DIY MFJ-259 -- but built entirely out of common components, and including source code for the microcontroller.
to amateur analyser antenna electronics hf radio test-equipment ... on 27 February 2012
Welcome to the PA3CSG website! edit / delete
Big RF amplifiers with cheap Russian valves, and serious filters for them.
to amateur amplifier electronics hf radio rf valve vhf ... on 27 February 2012
Ten Dollar Miracle Whip Clone edit / delete
Neat idea for an adjustable inductor: modify a wirewound pot.
to antenna electronics hf radio ... on 27 February 2012
Bucky's Scanning Website edit / delete
Detailed bandplans that include PMR stuff. (And, um, a lot of more dubious rubbish.)
Multiband HF Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipole (or Windom) Antenna - HAMwaves.com edit / delete
Taking the Windom idea a bit further with traps. Neat, and good description.
Index - MARTIN - G8JNJ edit / delete
Assorted radio projects; the page on measuring balun loss is good.
Main Page - HF Underground edit / delete
Radio-related wiki; lots of stuff on HF pirates, utility stations, and so on.
... and yet another SDR receiver. This one looks quite neat, but it doesn't have a preselector built in -- which means it can receive VHF by using harmonics, but you really would need to build some filters to make it useful.
to electronics hf radio sdr ... on 27 April 2011
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- hf | |
11 | + aerial |
1 | + am |
17 | + amateur |
2 | + amp |
4 | + amplifier |
1 | + analyser |
8 | + antenna |
1 | + balun |
2 | + beacon |
2 | + broadcast |
4 | + cb |
1 | + codec2 |
1 | + coil |
2 | + digimodes |
1 | + dipole |
1 | + dv |
8 | + eh |
18 | + electronics |
1 | + filter |
6 | + ham |
1 | + inductor |
5 | + isotron |
2 | + linear |
2 | + lpf |
1 | + mechanica |
1 | + mf |
1 | + microcontroller |
3 | + microvert |
1 | + mixer |
1 | + modelling |
1 | + obviously |
1 | + packet |
3 | + pirate |
1 | + propagation |
1 | + psk |
1 | + qrp |
43 | + radio |
2 | + receiver |
1 | + regen |
1 | + retrotech |
1 | + review |
3 | + rf |
4 | + sdr |
1 | + shopping |
5 | + shortwave |
11 | + small-aerial |
1 | + spice |
1 | + ssb |
3 | + swl |
1 | + test-equipment |
1 | + transceiver |
1 | + transmitter |
1 | + uhf |
1 | + valve |
5 | + vhf |
1 | + windom |
tasty by Adam Sampson.