GeekDot - Helios Next Generation edit / delete

Helios -- the roughly-Unixish microserver-based OS for transputers -- is now free software.

to concurrency helios os retrocomputing software transputer ... on 26 March 2014

checkedthreads: bug-free shared memory parallelism edit / delete

Fork-join framework with static checking assisted by Valgrind. Good description of how the analysis works.

to ag0803 concurrency parallel software static-analysis valgrind ... on 15 December 2013

A surprise with mutexes and reference counts [] edit / delete

A nice example of a concurrency bug in Linux resulting from an interaction between mutexes and atomics.

to ag0803 bug concurrency linux mutex ... on 13 December 2013

Concurrent Revisions | Lambda the Ultimate edit / delete

"Concurrent Revisions are a distributed version control-like abstraction [1] for concurrently mutable state that requires clients to specify merge functions that make fork-join deterministic, and so make concurrent programs inherently composable." That is, it's a shared data strategy based on version control ideas, which is kind of neat.

to concurrency language-design ... on 24 October 2013

FineGrainMPI - NssWiki edit / delete

MPI with a lightweight process scheduler. This was presented at CPA 2013 -- looks like it'll be worth playing with.

to concurrency mpi scheduler software to-package ... on 24 October 2013

majek/lua-channels edit / delete

"Go-style channels in Lua" -- i.e. CSP channels done with an implementation of Go's channel algorithm on top of Lua's coroutines. Neat.

to channels concurrency csp go lua scheduling ... on 08 September 2013

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