Whistle while you work to run commands on your computer edit / delete

Neat. (I'm now imagining an "Expensive Keychain" package.)

to audio software ... on 19 January 2011

Monty - Fixing the Linux eMagic emi6|2m / a62m driver + eMagic firmware updates! edit / delete

Recommendation for a multichannel USB soundcard that works with Linux -- and effectively *only* with Linux now, since the Windows and MacOS drivers are defunct -- so I shall keep an eye out on eBay...

to audio shopping usb ... on 03 January 2011

Audio Systems Group, Inc. Publications edit / delete

Some decent articles on audio and radio-related electronics. The article on RF choke design is especially good.

to audio electronics radio ... on 02 January 2011

sdr-widget - Project Hosting on Google Code edit / delete

SoftRock-compatible firmware with lots of extras, including a built-in high-performance soundcard.

to audio avr electronics radio sdr ... on 21 October 2010

Product: DR-03 | TASCAM edit / delete

Aha! This is pretty much what I was after in terms of a portable recorder, and it's cheap enough that it's probably not worth trying to build my own...

to audio recording shopping ... on 01 October 2010

Ambisonic Microphone Exp2 Construction Documents page edit / delete

I am standing in my garage...

to ambisonics audio electronics microphone ... on 01 October 2010

Henry's Title Page edit / delete

An impressive collection of homebrew audio and synth gear -- and how to make a crystal set work well.

to audio electronics radio retrotech synth ... on 01 October 2010

Home edit / delete

The simple reverse-RIAA circuit is particularly neat.

to audio electronics ... on 11 June 2010

Welcome to John edit / delete

Old Sun and MC machines, and creative repairs to Telefunken hifi.

to audio electronics hifi retrocomputing retrotech ... on 20 May 2010

Browser bookmarks: tasty+ | tasty= Log in | Export | Atom

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