This is a pretty good introductory guide.

to audio live microphone mixing music recording ... on 22 April 2016

Hi-Fi, DIY Projects edit / delete

60s/70s audio projects -- mostly amplifiers and mods to them -- from Hi Fi News and similar magazines.

to amplifier audio electronics etext hifi retrotech ... on 18 April 2016

David Hembrow - Hi-Fi Pages. Reviews, Articles, Ideas etc. edit / delete

Some reviews of hi-fi components. The Arcam NICAM tuner is an interesting (and now completely useless) device...

to audio hifi retrotech reviews ... on 31 March 2016

Spectrally Challenged - distortion spectra of audio power chips edit / delete

"This very interesting article by Ben Duncan appeared in the October 1993 issue of Electronics World + Wireless World magazine in the UK. In it, the author tests ten popular power amplifier chips and explains, amongst other things, how the distortion spectra are important in terms of sound quality." The LM386 is -- as expected -- terrible.

to amplifier audio distortion electronics harmonics ... on 31 March 2016

countercomplex: Some deep analysis of one-line music programs. edit / delete

viznut's collection of one-line music. Very impressive.

to audio chiptune cute-code demo demoscene glitch music retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

Michael Gerzon Audio Pioneer edit / delete

Co-developer of the Calrec Soundfield microphone, as a result of considerable experimentation with stereo and quad recording techniques as a student.

to audio microphone recording surround ... on 17 November 2015

Compression Made Easy edit / delete

A good overview of audio compressors and the common control schemes.

to audio compression mixing recording ... on 13 September 2015

FirstSounds.ORG edit / delete

The earliest sound recordings.

to audio history recording retrotech ... on 09 May 2015

Mark Vernon :: Meagre Resource :: Sound Artist edit / delete

"Mark Vernon is a sound artist and radio producer based in Glasgow, Scotland." With various downloadable stuff -- I've been enjoying the documentaries on mid-20th-century tape recording clubs.

to art audio documentary history radio retrotech tape ... on 22 March 2015

AV Artifact Atlas edit / delete

"The Audiovisual Artifact Atlas is community-based, online resource used in the identification and diagnosis of artifacts and errors in analog to digital practice and archival work." If you're wondering what's causing a particular kind of patterning on your video...

to archiving artefact audio restoration tape video ... on 17 March 2015

Browser bookmarks: tasty+ | tasty= Log in | Export | Atom

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