They Might Be Giants Multimedia edit / delete

A collection of TMBG live performance videos. The JBTV one is fun.

to music tmbg video ... on 26 March 2006

John Savard's Home Page edit / delete

Splendidly diverse (and growing every time I come back to it).

to amusements chess electronics keyboards maps maths retrocomputing time video ... on 22 February 2006

MythTv with DVB: Multiple PID support ? | MythTV | Dev edit / delete

(Old) patch for MythTV to record multiple streams from a single multiplex.

to mythtv software tv video ... on 04 February 2006

Kamaelia edit / delete

The BBC R&D Python concurrency library for multimedia. Cool stuff. (Thought I'd bookmarked it before, but hey.)

to broadcast concurrency python research video ... on 31 January 2006

Public Domain Movie Torrents with PDA versions edit / delete

Public domain films. I suspect quite a lot of these are only PD under US law, but it's still interesting.

to movies pd video ... on 28 December 2005 - DVD Player Hack List edit / delete

Service/multiregion codes for many DVD players. (Not the one my parents have, unfortunately.)

to electronics video ... on 26 December 2005

Color problem patch - V4LWiki edit / delete

The cause of the patterning on cx88 cards -- it's a wrong filter being used by the driver!

to cx88 video ... on 07 November 2005

Browser bookmarks: tasty+ | tasty= Log in | Export | Atom

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