Algol 68 Genie - Algol 68 Compiler, Interpreter and Revised Report edit / delete

A modern implementation of Algol 68, and lots of documentation for it including the classic books.

to algol compiler etext interpreter software ... on 05 March 2015

David A. Wheeler's Personal Home Page edit / delete

Includes several well-written, comprehensive postmortems on noteworthy security bugs (e.g. Heartbleed) -- probably of interest to security students.

to bugs security software ssl ... on 05 March 2015

FreeMiNT - SpareMiNT Wiki edit / delete

"FreeMiNT is a free, open-source operating system for 16/32bit Atari computers and clones, based on the original MiNT by Eric Smith and officially adopted by Atari Corp. It is compatible with TOS, but adds a lot of new functionality not available in any other TOS-compatible operating system."

to atari mint os retrocomputing software tos unix ... on 20 January 2015

DPL2Decoder.cpp - dolphin-emu - Dolphin, a Gamecube / Wii / Triforce Emulator - Google Project Hosting edit / delete

A Dolby Pro Logic II (more or less) decoder in software. Since I actually have a quad speaker setup now, and some of the videos I own have Pro Logic surround, I've been wondering whether I could take advantage of it...

to audio dolby prologic software surround ... on 18 January 2015

immobiliare/sfs edit / delete

"SFS (or SyncFS) is a filesystem for replicating files between geographically distributed nodes of a network, with multi-master active/active configuration and especially suited for a star network topology." It uses FUSE... and rsync!

to fs fuse rsync software synchronisation ... on 18 January 2015

PS2Linuxをいじる edit / delete

If I could read Japanese, this would be a very helpful reference for early PS2 Linux and PS2 Homebrew stuff. It's fairly useful even if you're just looking at screenshots and chasing links (because most of the things it links to are in English).

to games homebrew linux playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

PS2 Homebrew Development edit / delete

Repos for the ps2dev toolchain -- the stuff that used to be on

to games homebrew playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

An Introduction to PS2DEV edit / delete

"This article is an introduction to home-brew PlayStation 2 Development also known as PS2DEV." Up to date as of 2008-ish (i.e. it talks about FreeMcBoot).

to games homebrew playstation programming ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

mlafeldt/ps2rd edit / delete

"Collection of tools to remotely debug PS2 applications, including commercial PS2 games". Used by the current PS2 Linux port.

to debugging homebrew playstation ps2 software ... on 18 January 2015

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