PALsite - The home of the PAL video system edit / delete

Sections for early video formats: Betamax, Betacam, U-matic and Video 2000. Lots of information about the formats and the machines.

to betacam betamax electronics retrotech umatic vcr video video2000 ... on 26 July 2019

BetaInfoGuide Homepage edit / delete

A very comprehensive guide to Betamax hardware.

to betamax electronics retrotech video ... on 26 July 2019

Technical Instructions edit / delete

Documentation for a wide range of BBC-designed equipment.

to audio bbc electronics retrotech video ... on 17 July 2019

Linesiding with John Index Page edit / delete

Some amazing pictures of the last remaining industrial users of steam locomotives -- e.g. a few coal mines in China.

to china locomotive mining retrotech steam trains ... on 17 July 2019

NEC uPD6102G datasheet edit / delete

The chip used (or at least carefully emulated) by Pioneer's laserdisc remote controls. This datasheet explains the timings of the protocol.

to electronics ir laserdisc remote retrotech ... on 17 July 2019

Deinterlacing, Scaling, Processing: Classic videogame systems on LCD and Plasma screens edit / delete

Reviews of composite video decoders, from a console gaming perspective.

to interlace ntsc pal retrocomputing retrotech video ... on 17 July 2019

Pioneer CLD-1450 mods edit / delete

I've done the NTSC bypass mod to mine, which works well; you can do it more tidily from the underside of the board. (I suspect the mystery remote control mod he mentions is to the remote control itself, since the two keys are in the same column.)

to laserdisc pioneer retrotech ... on 17 July 2019

Hammond Novachord: an Instrument Ahead of its Time edit / delete

The waveform diagram is on the "restoration" page here.

to hammond music novachord retrotech synth ... on 05 January 2019

Compton Organs edit / delete

A good companion to the Electrokinetica site about Compton organs - the author of this site is trying to visit as many of the surviving organs as possible and shoot video of them.

to compton music organ retrotech ... on 01 January 2019

Bowditch edit / delete

The US Government's guide to marine navigation. I came here looking for information on how a sextant is used, and ended up reading through the whole thing - it's fascinating. The sections on LORAN and on the unique problems of navigating in the Arctic are particularly interesting...

to arctic gps loran maritime navigation retrotech sextant shipping ... on 21 November 2018

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