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Dave Keenan's Home Page edit / delete
Random interesting stuff: odd temperaments, renewable energy, mathematics, AVR programmers, FPGAs, etc. I came here via the "To Dissect a Mockingbird" paper, which takes its analogy *way* too far, but there's lots more here. He used to be an occam programmer too.
to architecture avr energy fpga maths music pacifism tuning ... on 04 April 2009
Jack Whitham - Virtual Lab - Introduction edit / delete
The FPGA development system being built at York that we might end up using.
to cosmos electronics fpga ... on 16 October 2008
NSA :: Hardware :: JTAG edit / delete
Reverse-engineer boards with FPGAs on automatically using JTAG. This is unlikely to ever be something I'll need to do, but it's a neat idea.
to electronics fpga jtag reverse-engineering ... on 02 September 2007
Welcome to MyHDL [MyHDL] edit / delete
A tool for FPGA design in Python -- you write a Python program linking a load of generators together, and it compiles it to Verilog. Yet another nearly-process-oriented thing, but the simulation/compilation approach is neat.
to compiler fpga python research software ... on 04 July 2006
Welcome to MyHDL [MyHDL] edit / delete
A Python package for generating FPGA designs. Another instance of the concurrency-using-generators idea (as seen in Kamaelia), but using Python to generate FPGA code is novel.
to concurrency fpga python research software ... on 24 January 2006
FPGA versions of the PDP-4 and PDP-8, and some bits about the first Alpha PC that DEC made.
to alpha fpga pdp retrocomputing ... on 20 January 2006
A free Verilog simulator.
to electronics fpga research software ... on 29 December 2005
Reconfigurable Computing Primer - FPGAs, dynamic reconfiguration, configurable computing edit / delete
Building computing systems out of FPGAs that can reconfigure themselves at runtime.
ZX80, ZX81, Spectrum and Jupiter ACE implemented in an FPGA.
to fpga retrocomputing sinclair ... on 16 June 2005
Free Verilog compiler.
to electronics fpga software ... on 02 April 2005
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- fpga | |
1 | + 16032 |
2 | + 1801 |
1 | + 32016 |
2 | + 6502 |
1 | + 6809 |
1 | + accelerator |
1 | + acorn |
1 | + alpha |
5 | + amiga |
2 | + apple |
2 | + apple2 |
1 | + arcade |
2 | + architecture |
1 | + atari |
1 | + avr |
1 | + bbc |
1 | + c64 |
1 | + c65 |
1 | + commodore |
3 | + compiler |
2 | + concurrency |
1 | + cosmos |
2 | + cpm |
3 | + cpu |
1 | + dec |
1 | + digital |
12 | + electronics |
1 | + embedded |
4 | + emulation |
1 | + energy |
1 | + eprom |
1 | + forth |
1 | + gpgpu |
1 | + gpu |
1 | + graphics |
1 | + handel-c |
1 | + ibm |
1 | + ice |
1 | + jtag |
1 | + maths |
1 | + microcomputer |
1 | + mpm |
1 | + music |
1 | + national-semiconductor |
1 | + ntp |
1 | + occam |
1 | + pacifism |
1 | + pc |
1 | + pc532 |
1 | + pdp |
2 | + pdp10 |
3 | + pdp11 |
1 | + pdp4 |
1 | + pdp8 |
1 | + philips |
1 | + publications |
2 | + python |
5 | + research |
24 | + retrocomputing |
1 | + retrotech |
3 | + reverse-engineering |
2 | + sinclair |
4 | + software |
2 | + soviet |
1 | + spectrum |
1 | + st |
1 | + sweden |
1 | + time |
1 | + tuning |
1 | + uzi |
1 | + verilog |
2 | + vhdl |
2 | + z80 |
tasty by Adam Sampson.