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Physical Fabrication of Transistors edit / delete
Notably, the history of transistor (and early IC) construction.
to chip electronics history ic retrotech semiconductor transistor ... on 22 September 2009
G8EPR Pye Museum - Index Page edit / delete
Lots of Pye radios.
the first integrated circuits edit / delete
This includes a picture of an early DTL IC from the same series I've got, and is generally a good overview of early chips.
to chip electronics history ic retrotech semiconductor ... on 21 September 2009
Philips Mobile Radio Collection edit / delete
With lots of technical details, mostly in Dutch.
Southwest Museum Of Engineering, Communications and Computation edit / delete
Somewhat disorganised, but lots of radio, telecoms, early computing and video stuff.
to history radio retrocomputing retrotech telecom video ... on 06 September 2009
Julian Bunn's Home Page edit / delete
Some very pretty Tek oscilloscopes.
to electronics retrotech scope tektronix ... on 26 August 2009
Audio, Verstärker, Meßgeräte und analoge Elektronik edit / delete
Various ancient test equipment, mostly in German.
to amplifier electronics retrotech scope ... on 26 August 2009
Manuals for various old radio and test equipment. They have some of the manuals for my scope.
to electronics ham radio retrotech tektronix ... on 26 August 2009
Good reference to the Tek 5000-series scopes (e.g. how the external display control works), and lots of their other stuff.
to electronics retrotech scope tektronix ... on 26 August 2009
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tasty by Adam Sampson.