Building Recursive Descent Parsers with Python edit / delete

Using the pyparsing Python library to build parsers.

to compiler parsing python research software ... on 28 January 2006

Welcome to MyHDL [MyHDL] edit / delete

A Python package for generating FPGA designs. Another instance of the concurrency-using-generators idea (as seen in Kamaelia), but using Python to generate FPGA code is novel.

to concurrency fpga python research software ... on 24 January 2006

Python: module tex_wrap edit / delete

Python implementation of the TeX line-breaking algorithm.

to python software tex text typography ... on 13 January 2006 makes web apps edit / delete

Lightweight (if slightly ragged) web framework for Python. Looks like it might be worth playing with. I'm a bit concerned that it doesn't talk about output encodings in the docs, though.

to python software web ... on 06 January 2006

PyChoReLib edit / delete

Python code to recognise chords (i.e. do the opposite of my chord generator -- but it's a lot fancier than my stuff).

to music python software ... on 26 December 2005

POSH: Python Object Sharing edit / delete

A Python extension that lets you put objects in shared memory.

to concurrency python software ... on 10 October 2005

Python Cheese Shop : parallel 0.1 edit / delete

CSP-style programming with fork and socketpair, which sounds worryingly heavyweight.

to concurrency python research software ... on 07 October 2005

Active Objects in Python edit / delete

Describes "active objects" as "CSP applied to OO" -- sounds interesting.

to concurrency csp python research ... on 07 October 2005

Shedskin - A Python-to-C++ Compiler edit / delete

Nice idea, although the current limitations mean that none of my code will work (certainly not rawdog).

to c++ compiler python research ... on 26 September 2005

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