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JJS.at : Software Projects edit / delete
Tiny valve amplifiers in the style of the Z.Vex ones (but both class A and class AB versions, and homebrew).
to amplified electronics guitar subminiature valve ... on 12 April 2009
QuickView - MAX845 Isolated Transformer Driver for PCMCIA Applications edit / delete
Neat little chip that produces an isolated power supply using a small transformer and a couple of diodes. It's not quite the application they had in mind, but this'd be great for powering 9V guitar effects.
to electronics guitar psu ... on 06 April 2009
GetLoFi - Circuit Bending Synth DIY ยป LoFi Fuzz Kit edit / delete
A transistor-based fuzz design. Looks easy enough to clone.
to audio electronics fuzz guitar ... on 26 March 2009
Slowhand Blues Guitar - Clapton Style Blues Guitar Tutorial And Forum edit / delete
Various blues guitar stuff.
Slightly inaccurate title: most of this is scans of electronics magazine articles for synthesisers, effects, and so on.
to effects electronics guitar synth ... on 28 December 2008
Matrixsynth: From Which the Gristleizer Came edit / delete
Guitar pedal from Practical Electronics in the 1970s with an LFO, VCF and VCA. The circuit's pretty simple.
to effects electronics guitar tinkersoc ... on 28 December 2008
The H.P. Friedrichs (AC7ZL) Homepage edit / delete
Using a junk VFD as a triode. Might be a fun guitar effect project...
to audio electronics guitar valve ... on 04 December 2008
OpenStomp(TM) Home edit / delete
Propeller-based guitar effects unit. Looks fun. Shame it's Windows-only.
to concurrency electronics guitar process-editor propeller ... on 17 September 2008
Tales From The Tone Lounge; The Home Pages of Tone Lizard Amplifiers edit / delete
Maintaining and modifying old guitar amps, with particular emphasis on debunking some of the sillier things people do. The notes on biasing an amplifier correctly are particularly interesting.
to amplifier electronics guitar retrotech ... on 20 August 2008
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- guitar | |
2 | + amp |
1 | + amplified |
5 | + amplifier |
2 | + amusements |
9 | + audio |
1 | + banjo |
6 | + bass |
1 | + big-muff |
1 | + blues |
1 | + bob-dylan |
2 | + chords |
1 | + classical |
1 | + compression |
1 | + concurrency |
1 | + custom |
2 | + david-gilmour |
1 | + distortion |
1 | + dundee |
9 | + effects |
27 | + electronics |
1 | + eq |
5 | + folk |
1 | + fuzz |
1 | + history |
2 | + hofner |
5 | + instruments |
1 | + interview |
1 | + japan |
1 | + jazz |
1 | + john-martyn |
1 | + journals |
1 | + ladspa |
1 | + leslie |
1 | + luthierie |
2 | + luthiery |
3 | + lyrics |
1 | + mandolin |
1 | + mctell |
31 | + music |
2 | + orangestreet |
3 | + pink-floyd |
1 | + process-editor |
1 | + propeller |
1 | + psu |
4 | + retrotech |
1 | + rock |
1 | + selmer |
1 | + simon |
1 | + software |
1 | + songs |
2 | + string |
1 | + subminiature |
1 | + surf |
2 | + synth |
9 | + tab |
1 | + tangerine-dream |
1 | + teaching |
1 | + the-keep |
1 | + tinkersoc |
2 | + tone |
1 | + tremelo |
1 | + tunes |
1 | + ukulele |
5 | + valve |
3 | + valves |
1 | + visualisation |
1 | + watkins |
1 | + wem |
tasty by Adam Sampson.