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Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/SystemTapSetuidTracing edit / delete
Building a partial strace replacement with SystemTap. Cute, but this doesn't give you most of the smart decoding strace does (which is what makes it better than its equivalents on every other Unix-like).
to debugging linux strace systemtap tracing ... on 01 August 2009
FRP-based debugger for MzScheme. Matt mentioned this as an example of a really neat debugging system; it'd be interesting to do something similar for occam programs.
A Haskell debugging tool; designed for inspecting data structures.
to debugging haskell research software ... on 10 November 2006
PytStop debugging engine edit / delete
A debugger backend module for Python, so you can do gdb-style debugging operations on another binary from a Python program. This could be really cool to use for an occam debugger.
Remake - GNU Make with comprehensible tracing and a debugger edit / delete
Just what it says. How odd.
Another DTrace clone for Linux.
Winpdb - an advanced python debugger edit / delete
Interesting-looking Python debugger. Shame it uses wxPython...
Sysprof - A System-wide Linux Profiler edit / delete
Uses a kernel module.
AskIgor - Automated Debugging Service edit / delete
Computes failure traces for programs automatically.
to debugging programming software ... on 08 July 2005
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2 | + gdb |
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14 | + software |
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2 | + strace |
2 | + stuffed-animal |
1 | + systemtap |
2 | + teaching |
1 | + to-package |
3 | + tracing |
1 | + valve |
1 | + varan |
1 | + windows |
tasty by Adam Sampson.