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Index - MARTIN - G8JNJ edit / delete
Assorted radio projects; the page on measuring balun loss is good.
Neat two-control ATU design. Making a better variable inductor (than I've currently got) would be the challenge -- note the wiper-on-toroid and variometer designs on this page... and also the air-cored coils at the bottom.
to antenna atu electronics ham radio ... on 06 May 2011
Wideband active small loop antenna edit / delete
Lower a loop's Q by adding resistance, then build in an amplifier: wideband magnetic-field antenna. Worth building to compare to my PA0RDT electric-field probe.
to antenna electronics loop radio ... on 27 March 2011
Glen's Home Page edit / delete
Including investigations into multiturn loops. (Aegis on #hamradio.)
KITE ANTENNAS G4ROJ edit / delete
And multiple kites. And aerostats. Wow.
Lots of random electronics: radio, including an unusual loop antenna; simple computer designs; why ECL should have beaten TTL; and various other bits.
to antenna computer ecl electronics loop radio retrocomputing retrotech ttl ... on 30 January 2011
Thought I'd bookmarked this before -- hm. Good stuff on antenna tuners and feedlines.
to antenna electronics ham radio ... on 30 January 2011
Why high SWR and feedline radiation isn't necessarily a bad thing (because it doesn't actually cause much loss in practice, and it lets you tune the antenna from the transmitter end).
Sort of a two-element log periodic?
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- antenna | |
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2 | + 70cm |
1 | + ace |
2 | + active |
7 | + aerial |
1 | + am |
3 | + amateur |
1 | + analyser |
2 | + atu |
1 | + atv |
1 | + audio |
1 | + balun |
1 | + capacitor |
1 | + cb |
1 | + complex-systems |
1 | + complexity |
1 | + compression |
1 | + computer |
1 | + dipole |
1 | + dundee |
1 | + ecl |
43 | + electronics |
1 | + feedline |
34 | + ham |
8 | + hf |
2 | + history |
1 | + kite |
1 | + lband |
2 | + lf |
11 | + loop |
1 | + microvert |
1 | + microwave |
3 | + miniwhip |
1 | + pa0rdt |
1 | + pc |
2 | + physics |
1 | + probe |
1 | + projects |
1 | + qrp |
1 | + ra17 |
65 | + radio |
1 | + radiosonde |
1 | + receiver |
1 | + reflector |
2 | + retrocomputing |
4 | + retrotech |
1 | + reverse-engineering |
2 | + rf |
2 | + rockloop |
1 | + satellite |
3 | + shopping |
1 | + simulation |
3 | + software |
1 | + surplus |
1 | + teaching |
3 | + test-equipment |
2 | + to-package |
1 | + transmitter |
1 | + transverter |
1 | + ttl |
1 | + tuner |
2 | + uhf |
1 | + vectrex |
4 | + vhf |
1 | + vna |
1 | + wifi |
1 | + windom |
1 | + ww2 |
1 | + zx80 |
tasty by Adam Sampson.