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Computer Laboratory - Relics Project - Virtual Exhibition edit / delete
Some Cambridge computing history stuff. This is the overview page; there are more detailed lists of artefacts there too.
to cambridge electronics history retrocomputing retrotech ... on 13 August 2006
Photographer to the Tsar: Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii - The Empire That Was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii PhotographicRecord Recreated (A Library of Congress Exhibition) edit / delete
Very early (and very impressive) colour photos from Russia.
to history photography retrotech ... on 13 August 2006
Recordings of phone systems from various countries (mostly 70s-era). Includes one from Andy Emmerson. The "Evan Doorbell" ones are excellent -- better-quality presentation than many radio programmes.
VOIP Front-End to Analog Switches edit / delete
Telephone equipment collectors building their own international network using Asterisk. Some interesting stuff in the mailing list archives.
The 1945 Proposal by Arthur C. Clarke for Geostationary Satellite Communications edit / delete
In Wireless World.
BBC Radiophonic Workshop edit / delete
A history of the Radiophonic Workshop's equipment (with much more detail from the 70s onwards).
Old-fashioned computing technology -- building valve machines, restoring an LGP-30, and so on.
to cars retrocomputing retrotech ... on 04 July 2006
Looking back into a satellite dish.
About Quad amplifiers, with lots of technical detail. (Indeed, it's almost tempting to try to clone a Quad II...)
to audio electronics retrotech valves ... on 23 June 2006
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tasty by Adam Sampson.