Squawks of the Parrot: Variables and threads edit / delete

About the choice of mutable vs. immutable data for concurrent languages.

to concurrency language programming research ... on 01 March 2006

A Brief Look at C++0x edit / delete

Features that will apparently be coming to the next version of C++. Absolutely horrific, but I guess that's to be expected...

to c++ language programming research ... on 19 February 2006

Squawks of the Parrot: Functions and subs in a threaded world edit / delete

"What if function and subroutine calls all spawned off their own threads and ran independently?" Reinventing the occam model again (as someone points out in the comments).

to concurrency language programming python research ... on 16 February 2006

My Python 4k edit / delete

Some language suggestions for Python, a few of which I agree with.

to language programming python research ... on 16 February 2006

The Computer Language Shootout Benchmarks edit / delete

Benchmarks written in a whole load of different languages. I've implemented some of these in occam-pi today.

to compiler programming research ... on 01 February 2006

DDJ>Thoughts on Language Design edit / delete

Guy L. Steele on designing a parallel language -- and, more specifically, on how we might like to reconsider some of the tenets of structured programming while doing so.

to concurrency design language parallel programming research ... on 30 December 2005

Haskell Prime - Trac edit / delete

Extensions to Haskell. I'd really like something like this for occam-pi.

to design haskell language programming research ... on 30 November 2005

SAC-Home [Welcome] edit / delete

Single Assignment C, a "functional" (they claim, but no higher-order functions!) programming language for compute-intensive applications.

to functional parallel programming research ... on 27 October 2005

IBM Research | IBM Research | The X10 Programming Language edit / delete

IBM's new Javaish (yuck) concurrent language.

to concurrency programming research ... on 27 October 2005

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