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CYOA-style IF. Works pretty well.
Demian's Gamebook Web Page edit / delete
CYOA and similar works.
Curveship: Interactive Fiction + Interactive Narrating edit / delete
Python-based IF system with a powerful (if somewhat English-centric) storytelling system.
Seventh Sense - Lone Wolf: A book player edit / delete
Turning CYOA books into interactive fiction. Cool!
she dreams of stars | Christine Love's collected fiction edit / delete
Notable for the fake Amiga environment in "Digital"...
ScummC: A Scumm Compiler edit / delete
As it says.
Microheaven.com - Fredrik's Pages about Interactive Fiction edit / delete
Various IF stuff, including a good list of Infocom bugs.
BBC Micro Z-Machine Interpreter - Retrosoftware edit / delete
As it says. Wonder if Pick Up The Phone Booth And Aisle will work.
Online residence of Robin Johnson edit / delete
Hamlet as a text adventure, and some other bits.
Adventure downloads edit / delete
A few variations on the classic Adventure.
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- if | |
1 | + abermud |
12 | + adventure |
2 | + ag0700 |
2 | + amusements |
2 | + apple |
1 | + art |
2 | + atari |
1 | + bbc |
1 | + bf |
1 | + bugs |
1 | + bullet |
1 | + c64 |
1 | + cambridge |
1 | + competition |
1 | + compilers |
1 | + compuserve |
3 | + conversation |
1 | + cute-code |
4 | + cyoa |
1 | + dec |
1 | + dune |
4 | + etext |
3 | + fiction |
1 | + film |
1 | + french |
1 | + game |
1 | + gamebook |
37 | + games |
1 | + graphics |
1 | + highlander |
6 | + history |
5 | + infocom |
2 | + janet |
2 | + javascript |
1 | + magnetic-scrolls |
1 | + map |
1 | + mit |
3 | + mud |
2 | + narrative |
1 | + pdp8 |
1 | + penguin |
1 | + pirates |
1 | + polarware |
1 | + programming |
1 | + python |
4 | + research |
18 | + retrocomputing |
2 | + retrotech |
1 | + scott-adams |
1 | + scumm |
1 | + sf |
11 | + software |
3 | + source |
1 | + st |
4 | + storytelling |
1 | + teaching |
1 | + text |
1 | + translation |
2 | + trs80 |
2 | + versu |
1 | + visualisation |
1 | + wiki |
1 | + zine |
1 | + zork |
tasty by Adam Sampson.